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work makAll play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a goodCopyright 1984-1997 Claris Corporation good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. alisA FaliB alisA LISTA HBAM3016AUG95@ billy danielle denise dennis doris glenn heidi irfon janet jeremy julie maryH nancy pamela richard roger samuel santa sonia susan tyrone adlington akers ammond claus corning critser danon davison downing eison farnsworth forrest gelhard gerhard kenwood landers licklighter longA meyerA loren meyerA michaels norris osborne richley smith swanson tisornon waters wilford eZ(vP Pro 2.0F! 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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 12/10/97 Detail Summary DetailB ShiftB Next Month ShiftB A Hire DateB GroupB Number in ShiftB Number in GroupB CommentsB Nice TraitsB EmailB A Home PageB Favorite Colored DotB A Edit DateB A Edit TimeB PhotoB employee_idB total_expenseB image_presentB visitcountB SummaryB GroupT Hire DateU Next Month ShiftV ShiftW Employee NumberX Home PhoneY State[ City\ Street] Social Security Number^ Last Name_ First Namea Commentse Nice Traitsg Emaili Home Pagek Favorite Colored Dotm Edit Dateo Edit Timer Photov employee_id Expense Category Amount Description total_expense expense_id image_present SoniaB Long MeyerC 321-16-0755D 547 Brade St.E BiloxiF 12345H 601/555-6899I 6879J 10/21/88O PublishingT Energetic sonia@long.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ JulieB NorrisC 753-14-1755D 793 Old Mill RoadE AllentownF 12345H 717/555-4688I 6842J 4/6/87O PrintingS Great day today!T Energetic Team Player jennifer@norris.comV http://www.jenn.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` GlennB AkersC 977-90-8221D 614 Harvard Ct.E Carson CityF 54321H 702/555-9875I 6819J 3/15/87O MarketingS Whoa, dude!T Energetic Team PlayerU whoa@dude.comV http://www.dude.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` SamuelB CorningC 879-90-3042D 500 Burmeister Rd.E Hilton HeadF 54321H 803/555-7911I 6877J 10/8/85O EngineeringS Yes!T Energetic Team Player yed@corn.comV http://www.corn.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ GroupS ShiftT Social Security NumberU Last NameV First NameY Employee Number\ Email^ Home Page` Hire Date Expense Categoryi Amountj Datek Descriptionm total_expensep employee_idr expense_id close employees databases close employees databases http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` JohnB SmithC 123-456-7890D 123 Main StreetE AnytownF 00000H 123-456-7890I 5/11/96O FinanceT Energetic helpfulU john@john.comV http://www.john.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` NancyB EisonC 244-90-5242D 2820 Compton Pl.E LansingF 12345H 616/555-3698I 6870J 9/21/85O MarketingT EnergeticU nancy@n.comV http://www.m.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` JanetB SwansonC 465-20-1255D 814 Harvard Ave.E ConcordF 12345H 408/555-5684I 6892J 12/10/87O PublishingS Janet can't work late on Friday.T Energetic Team Player janet@swansen.comV http://www.swansen.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` Mary JoB LicklighterC 667-14-0987D 233 Turquoise Ct.E Santa FeF 12345H 505/555-8822I 6853J 6/10/85O SalesT helpful Team PlayerU mary@mary.com http://www.mary.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` SusanB KenwoodC 576-14-7319D 466 West Ave.E CheylanF 12345H 304/555-9966I 6864J 8/7/87O ShippingT Energetic U sue@k.comV http://www.k.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` RichleyC 987-64-8555D 911 Portsmouth Ave.E HuntsvilleF 12345H 205/555-2388I 6849J 5/11/84O PurchasingT NiceU test@test.comV http://www.test.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` HeidiB 852-94-2900D 749 Craigmont Ave.E PocatelloF 12345H 208/555-8135I 6840J 4/16/84O PublishingT NiceU heidi@lee.comV http://www.lee.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` MeniB WatersC 357-19-0755D 441 Liberty SquareE Half Moon BayF 12345H 408/555-6241I 6862J 7/19/87O OperationsT Team PlayerU test@test.com http://www.test.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` LukeB ForrestC 865-14-0125D 99 Lakeview Ave.E RedmondF 54321H 509/555-5487I 6845J 5/24/83O PersonnelT EnergeticU luke@luke.comV http://www.luke.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` JeremyB SmithC 987-78-0985D 912 Darton Blvd.E EugeneF 54321H 503/555-4655I 6843J 4/23/86O FinanceT EnergeticU j@j.comV http://www.j.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` RogerB MichaelsC 243-14-9876D 786 North Desert Rd.E JeromeF 54321H 602/555-5577I 6867J 8/25/84O FinanceT EnergeticU roger@m.comV http://www.m.com/roger/W purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` IrfonB KohnC 963-11-0755D 111 Howingser Ave.E LouisvilleF 54321H 606/555-5468I 6839J 4/27/85O SalesT"Team Player Energetic helpful irfon@yes.comV http://www.yes.com/W green_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` TisornonC 147-12-0755D 798 Park Ave.E ProvidenceF 54321H 401/555-3258I 6807J 1/27/82O PersonnelT Energetic Team PlayerU best@bob.comV http://www.bob.com/best/W purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` RichardB GelhardC 654-17-0755D 562 New Chardon Rd.E Baton RougeF 54321H 318/555-4577I 6878J 10/25/84O ShippingS Hello!T Energetic NiceU hello@hello.comV http://www.hello.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` BillB LorenC 987-18-0755D 75 Lockwood DriveE ProvoF 54321H 801/555-4566I 6859J 7/14/83O PurchasingT NiceU loren@l.comV http://www.loren.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` DeniseB FarnsworthC 956-14-0080D 54 Arroyo Ave.E AustinF 12345H 814/555-7777I 6809J 2/18/87O MarketingT Energetic rt@wert.comV http://www.ert.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` LandersC 523-13-0755D 31 Richards Ave.E ButteF 12345H 406/555-1144I 6803J 1/2/87O PurchasingT Energetic helpfulU rae@rae.comV http://www.rae.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` NancyB OsborneC 284-34-0755D 32 Newport Rd.E CharlotteF 12345H 919/555-0805I 6872J 9/13/88O SalesT helpful EnergeticU nancy@nancy.comV http://www.nancy.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` DorisB GerhardC 284-44-0755D 79 Island View Dr.E TampaF 12345H 407/555-8297I 6810J 2/6/88O EngineeringT EnergeticU doris@g.comV http://www.g.com/W purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` WilfordC 842-18-4545D 3015 Yankee St.E GenevaF 54321H 315/555-0011 6808J 1/20/87O MarketingS Hello!T Energetic helpful Team PlayerU bob@w.comV http://www.wello.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` VernB CritserC 144-90-3042D 700 Battle Rd.E ManchesterF 54321H 603/555-3322I 6863J 7/29/92O PublishingT EnergeticU Vern@vern.comV http://www.VERN.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` PamelaB 578-90-3042D 690 Fielding Pl.E AmesF 12345H 712/555-5245I 6869J 7/29/92O PersonnelT"Energetic Team Player helpful NiceU pamela@day.comV http://www.pamela.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` TyroneB DanonC 124-90-3042D 802 Nashoba Rd.E LakewoodF 54321H 719/555-4477I 6884J 7/29/92O MarketingS Danon says whoa!T EnergeticU danon@danon.comV http://www.yogurt.comW green_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` Julie DavisonC 544-90-3042D 35 Ravenwood AvenueE Foster CityF 12345H 408/555-0900I 6887J 7/29/92O PersonnelT EnergeticU dav@dav.comV http://www.dav.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` DennisB AmmondC 543-90-4442D 438 Needham Dr.E WichitaF 54321H 913/555-3234I 6816J 7/29/92O MarketingT helpful Energetic Team PlayerU dennis@ammond.comV http://www.ammond.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` BillyB AdlingtonC 544-91-7654D 613 Main St.E MemphisF 54321H 615/555-8899I 6801J 7/29/92O PersonnelT EnergeticU billy@billy.comV http://www.billy.comW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` DanielleB DowningC 195-90-3042D 611 Monument Dr.E StamfordF 12345H 914/555-1304I 6851J 7/29/92O PersonnelT helpful EnergeticU ddowning@down.comV http://www.down.comW purple_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` SantaB ClausC 123-456-7890D One Reindeer WayE North PoleF 90030H 800/555-1212I 1111J 8/22/96O ShippingS Fat guy. White beard. Red suit.T Energetic HelpfulU santa@northpole.orgV http://www.northpole.org/~santaW red_dot.gifX 12/6/97Y 4:23:44 PMZ http://www.blueworld.com/lists/` Helvetica Geneva Palatino Monaco VPNRJ1J0F2J1VOZ RQRQ^ R/RQRrVpVpVsV VqJ.F R.ROVpVqVpZ N-R.VPZqb VPZpZ 0^RfTr n/vqnQj.a rrnRvqz ztrSj nQrrv vrvRrqvrrrb nPvQvsrrrQrrj0I /rQvrvqrPjP] /npnqnQjOf j/f.b b-^/^ /rPzqz nPf/] vqnOf PvqvrnN] /vqvrj/Y rQrRf0U j/)f/b b/f.a f1j0n j0r/rPrOn/j.j.jOj/b f/n/r0r0j n/n0rO rP+nPrOr/j/a n0r0r/j r/rPrQvQvPvQvQrOj/a r0j0j0n0r vR.zRvQrPn r0r0n0n r/v1zRzrzrzqvQn0e 0v1v1rQn0n v/vQzRzrz zrrQf/] r1vRv0q r1vRvRr1r0n r0r1vQzqzrvrjQf v1zSz /rRrRnQn1n n0r1vQzqzQnQf1f /r0v0n1j1n n1r1vQvPv0n0j/j n1r0r/r/n0n.n j/n0n0n/n.j.j j.n.n.j j/j.f f/j0f/b f/j0f/b/Y j/j/f/a j/j/f j/j0j f/n0j f.jPj/j j/j/j j1j1n1j0j/f j0jPnPr0n0j/n n/j/j/j j.j0jPjPnOr0r0n1v0v/n f/j0n1r/r/n0r1r1r0n f0n1r0r0r1rRrRv1r0j n1r1v2v2r1r0n j0f/b b0j0n0j0 f0j0f0f/] VSN2J2J2N1N2RSV b/j/n/jPjP j1j1j0b f/f/f VsRRRRNSR1R/R0RRVs^ b/f/r0nQjQf0f1f0f1jQj1fPj1f1f0f ZsVRR2N b0j1rQnRfRf1j1jQjR j1f0f 8&0F@EH Dd<D8 b0j0nQnSjsfQjPjQjQfRfSfRjQf0f <$8E8DDdH @c4F8$@ f/jQrsrsjS f1jRfQfPf 8#4%<dP VqRORQRPI RQR1= J0Vs9 ZRVp1G R1RQA J1R0E N0N1E -RooX v0v0v v0zPvRvQz2v3z1z v1zRzszSzR~RzRz z2"~1v1r RSRSF RtNsA qJQ5j /N3w[ 3^-ZOj ^0frjOnsrrZ /J-sy JQNtNRJ0= JrF1= rVoN,R/NPVnf r1r1m J4JvN >3B3F3F4BS>2B B3F3B B3>2B3B4>4B3B4B >3>3B3 0Rsg8 JtF3B F4B4B3> B2F3B >4B3B1B0B #f/f.a F3B4B4> F3B3B3BSB4> B3F4B4B3B B3B2B >4>49 f/f/a B3B4F3B >4>4: B3B4B3B FT>35 f/f/j.f B3F4F4F3> >4>4F4B4>4: 3>3B3B4B3>2B3B4B4B f/f.f F4BUB4B3>3BUB4B4> B4>4B3B4B >4>4B3F F4FTF4B3B B4>5>49 4>4>4B4B3>3> >3>3B2F3> F4JSBTB3B2B3>4: B4>4>4B4B4> >3B4> f/f0f/f B3FTFUB4B3B 4B4>4B4B4>4> B3B3> B3>3> B4BSB3B3B B4B4B3B4B4> B3BRB3B3FS9 F3B3B B4B4>4>4B >4BTB4B4>4B4>3>3B3BSB3>3> +j,j+j*j f j+j+j*jKn+j *j+j+n*n+n,j*j*jKn*n j n*nLnLrLnLj+j*j*n*r n*j,n,r,n+n j+n+n n+n*j r,n,j+j r,n-j+j n+n,j j,j-j,n,n,n+n n,#n-n,n n,%r+r+n,n,n+j*j n-r-r-rMnL n,%n+r*n+n,r+n*n+j j.n.rNrMnM n+n,n-n,r+n-j j/n/nOnNnNj-j n,r-r-vMr.j j/nOnOn.j j-n.r/vOrOn0j/e f/rOrPnOj0j0n0nQj1f .rPrPj0f VLVoZ R+VMZm^ RMVmZ ?NNVoZnVmZ VnZoZ NJ/N/N-F OJ/RORON.J-A .N/ZoVoVpVoRMJ NOZpVoV RNJ,I oVpRpVoZ RoRMR+J VpNpZ oRoROROVp^ VoVNVMVLN,I NOVqVP9f pVpNORn^ RoVoVnZmVLRMJ+A VoJ.RrVpA ZpRORMb VnVn^ 0RPTH FPTHA0Blue Light Special:Desktop Folder:Employees Copy MSPCA NAMEA Employees Copy RPTHA ::Desktop Folder:Employees Copy MRPTH FPTHAMFWB 1002 MB:WWW Lasso25 Plug-in/Server:Launch Databases:Employees_related.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Employees_related.fp3 RPTHA Employees_related.fp3 8ffff 9ffffff :ffff33 ;ffff <ff33 =ff33ff >ff3333 ?ff33 B3333ff C333333 D3333 [wwwwww \UUUUUU ]DDDDDD ^"""""" B0B909 0B/09 G0OG00B BMAA.V VXXYZ >??+IBRQ?Q9I0 #OO.V VWYZ*B \DD?:[ R9/?/ */[[* 1?//!02B /QD9** <??FO,0, 0//0* 2??T I 9??D?0++ X.$A?: 00??] 5(WW)!! %)((* 0??Q: V??0? 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